John and the Hole

John and the Hole
98 minuten

acteur/actrice (10)

Jennifer Ehle Jennifer Ehle → Anna
Charlie Shotwell → John
Michael C. Hall → Brad
Taissa Farmiga → Laurie
Pamela Jayne Morgan → lerares
Lucien Spellman → Charles
Georgia Lyman → Gloria
Samantha LeBretton → Lily
Tamara Hickey → Paula
Ben O'Brien → Peter

regisseur (1)

Pascual Sisto

producent (3)

Elika Portnoy
Alex Orlovsky
Michael Bowes

director of photography (1)

Paul Özgür

uitvoerend producent (8)

Nicolas Giacobone
Pascual Sisto
Ross Jacobson
Jennifer P. Dana
Tony Pachella
Mark Roberts
Phil Hoelting
Marco Vicini

scenarist (1)

Nicolas Giacobone

beeldmonteur (1)

Sarah Shaw

productieontwerper (1)

Jacqueline Abrahams