The Ballad of Lefty Brown

The Ballad of Lefty Brown
111 minuten

acteur/actrice (7)

Bill Pullman Bill Pullman →  Lefty Brown
Jim Caviezel Jim Caviezel →  Jimmy Bierce
Peter Fonda Peter Fonda →  Edward Johnson
Joe Anderson Joe Anderson →  Frank
Kathy Baker Kathy Baker →  Laura Johnson
Tommy Flanagan →  Tom Harrah
Diego Josef →  Jeremiah

regisseur (1)

Jared Moshe

producent (4)

Edward Parks
Neda Armian
Dan Burks
Jared Moshe

director of photography (1)

David McFarland

uitvoerend producent (1)

Niraj Bhatia

beeldmonteur (1)

Terel Gibson

productieontwerper (1)

Eve McCarney

kostuumontwerper (1)

Jonny Pray