The Souvenir

The Souvenir
119 minuten

acteur/actrice (15)

Tilda Swinton Tilda Swinton →  Rosalind
Tom Burke →  Anthony
Honor Swinton Byrne →  Julie
Richard Ayoade →  Patrick
Neil Young →  Radio Interviewer
Tosin Cole →  Phil
Jack McMullen →  Jack
Frankie Wilson →  Frankie
Hannah Ashby Ward →  Tracy
Janet Etuk →  Janet
Chyna Terrelonge-Vaughan →  Ray
Alice McMillan →  Elisa
Barbara Peirson →  Barbara
James Dodds →  James
James Spencer Ashworth →  William

regisseur (1)

Joanna Hogg Joanna Hogg

producent (2)

Joanna Hogg Joanna Hogg
Luke Schiller

director of photography (1)

David Raedeker

uitvoerend producent (7)

Martin Scorsese Martin Scorsese
Emma Tillinger Koskoff
Dave Bishop
Andy Starke
Michael Wood
Rose Garnett
Lizzie Francke

beeldmonteur (1)

Helle Le Fevre

productieontwerper (1)

Stephane Collonge

kostuumontwerper (1)

Grace Snell