Scandalous: The Untold Story of the National Enquirer

Scandalous : The Untold Story of the National Enquirer

zichzelf (10)

Ken Auletta
Malcolm Balfour
Carl Bernstein
Tony Brenna
Iain Calder
Steve Coz
Jerry George
Gigi Goyette
Maggie Haberman
Larry Haley

regisseur (1)

Mark Landsman

producent (5)

Aengus James
Colin King Miller
Mark Landsman
Jennifer Ash Rudick
Kristen Vaurio

director of photography (1)

Michael Marius Pessah

uitvoerend producent (4)

Stuart Ford Stuart Ford
Amy Entelis
Courtney Sexton
Rachel Traub

beeldmonteur (2)

Ben Daughtrey
Andrea Lewis